slipstreamstrategies specializes in strategic government affairs consulting and lobbying in the commercial unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)/drone space to help clients advance their legislative, regulatory, and business, interests in Washington. It was created out of a passion for unmanned aircraft technology and an awareness of the need among businesses in this burgeoning sector to have individualized representation in Washington, D.C.

profile-building in Washington, D.C.
slipstreamstrategies helps clients become known entities in Washington. We achieve this through education and relationship-building with key decision-makers in Congress, the White House, and the executive branch agencies, as well as engagement with other stakeholders and related activities. These efforts help position our clients to be able to take advantage of opportunities.

slipstreamstrategies serves as our clients’ eyes and ears in Washington so they know what’s coming. We alert clients to legislative and regulatory developments that could impact their market, helping inform key business decisions and strategy. We also keep our clients apprised of federal business opportunities (e.g., grants, procurement, cooperative research and development agreements (CRADAs)).

slipstreamstrategies advocates on behalf of our clients, facilitating their strategic participation in the legislative and regulatory processes. Whether our clients need an offense or a defense we help them develop an effective strategy and messaging to achieve their objective(s). We also assist them in implementing that plan.